Saturday, November 3, 2007

"Sign deletion"

Only two days left until the election and there is a "rash" of incidents involving our political signs. Several candidates are having "sign deletion" going on where they had placed their signs in prominent locations - I am one of those candidates!

Is this a "sign" of the times? Are those who are stealing the signs trying to gain votes for their candidate or is it a group of youngsters who are fascinated with the signs and are going to post them in their bedrooms? I certainly hope it is the latter and that we will all wake up tomorrow and find that the signs have miraculously reappeared in their proper locations because their parents made them take them back.

Unfortunately, I believe we will be replacing signs for the next two days and hope we can keep up with the "sign deleters".

Please vote November 6 and I hope you will vote for me.
Thank you!


Sandy Carmany said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere, Marikay!

Unfortunately, I am experiencing the same "sign deletion" problem.

Sandy Carmany

Marikay Abuzuaiter said...

Thanks Sandy,
I believe several of us will be busy today replacing signs! I find it hard to believe that candidates or their workers would stoop to such a level...

Sandy Carmany said...

I will try to make the more positive assumption that it's pranksters -- surely no candidates we know would resort to tactics. {tongue-in-cheek, of course}