Sunday, October 4, 2009


In the last municipal primary in 2007 only a small number of registered voters participated in the primary election. This municipal election is one that will affect YOUR daily life - your safety, taxes, income and quality of life. Every voting resident of Greensboro has a vote that can make a difference. PLEASE EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE!

Of course I hope you will vote for me! My vision for Greensboro is to have a vibrant, healthy and positive environment. To this end I will purse economic development, public safety issues and consideration of all residents' concerns.
If elected, I promise you that I will be there for you, your neighbor, your friends and family to ensure that all voices are heard on our City Council. Please visit my website and/or contact me should you so desire - - for additional information. You may also contact me on my email - or feel free to call me at #314-9620.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to SERVING you on our City Council!


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