Monday, November 2, 2009


In the October 6th primary 94% of Greensboro's registered voters STAYED HOME!!!!

This is a very important Municipal Election. The Greensboro City Council makes decisions that affect every single day of your life! Please take time to vote tomorrow.

Of course, I am hoping that you will vote for me as your at-large representative. I can assure you that I will give the position the dignity and respect it deserves. Remember, the representative you choose will be YOUR voice on City Council!

More importantly, I just want you to vote! Polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Hoping to see you at the polls tomorrow!

Marikay Abuzuaiter

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Votes and Help Needed

As we come to the final days before the General Election in Greensboro I ask for your help in generating votes and assisting in my campaign. Feel free to go to to see my stances on issues and my campaign information.

Due to the downturn in the economy I understand that monies are tight for everyone, but there is so much that can be done in lieu of sending donations! Getting the word out about me and my campaign are of the utmost importance. I can assure you that I will be fair and trustworthy on City Council and that my involvement in the community speaks for itself.

Greensboro is a wonderful place to live and has issues and problems much like communities across the nation. My goal is to address much needed job creation, economic development and to address public safety concerns.

Assets that I can bring to Council are: a vested interest in each and every district, representation for business and service industry providers and a goal of seeking common ground among fellow council members.

I ask for your vote on November 3.
Marikay Abuzuaiter

Sunday, October 4, 2009


In the last municipal primary in 2007 only a small number of registered voters participated in the primary election. This municipal election is one that will affect YOUR daily life - your safety, taxes, income and quality of life. Every voting resident of Greensboro has a vote that can make a difference. PLEASE EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE!

Of course I hope you will vote for me! My vision for Greensboro is to have a vibrant, healthy and positive environment. To this end I will purse economic development, public safety issues and consideration of all residents' concerns.
If elected, I promise you that I will be there for you, your neighbor, your friends and family to ensure that all voices are heard on our City Council. Please visit my website and/or contact me should you so desire - - for additional information. You may also contact me on my email - or feel free to call me at #314-9620.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to SERVING you on our City Council!


Monday, September 21, 2009

Please don't take my signs!

We are only a week or so into the campaigning "race" for City Council in Greensboro and this weekend about 10 of my candidate signs have already been taken! This happened in 2007 but it was not prevalent until close to the General Election.

For anyone who is taking my signs I am hoping you will stop! We all have favorite candidates, but I would never dream of taking or defacing another candidates' signs.

If you would like one of my signs for your location please feel free to email me at If anyone sees someone taking my signs, please call me at #314-9620.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

"Here we go..."

Well, I "almost" won in the 2007 election, but "almost" is not a winner!

I can assure you that I will do everything in my power to win the 2009 election. A taste of politics can make one hungry for believing that one person CAN make a difference by listening to and interacting with voters so that their voices CAN be heard. After attending almost every single City Council meeting from April 2007to now, I can assure you that I will do my utmost to be a professional, stable addition to City Council if elected to serve as an At-large Councilperson.

Over the last two years I have enjoyed my work in the community - graduated from the "Government Works - A City Academy" (which I highly recommend for all citizens) and IMPACT Greensboro which enlightened me and gave me some insight to the challenges many of our Greensboro residents encounter on a daily basis. I am a member of EMMA - the East Market Merchants Association; the Greensboro Landlords Association and the N.E. Concerned Citizens along with LYFE (Love, Youth, Faith and Empowerment) an anti-gang initiative for youth. I have participated in "National Night Out" (the next one is scheduled for this Tuesday August 4, 2009)and completed a "ride-a-long" with a police officer. I was appointed to the Human Relations Commission and am a member of the Montgomery/Wells Housing Committee.

Does it sound like I have "too much on my plate"? No...I am passionate about Greensboro and find that the more I am involved in, the more I become energized to create change from the voices of our residents. Do we need change? Of course! And I hope to be part of that change.
Marikay Abuzuaiter